Enquire Now Work Equipment/ PUWER Assessments

Peak HSE has undertaken a large number of "independent" risk assessments in relation to the Provision & Use of Work Equipment Regulations
This helps "Users" to assess equipment after it has been purchased or modified to ensure that it is safe to use. It can also act to prevent machinery guarding companies selling their own bespoke packages, rather than equipment that may be more suitable as a control.
We have a one day awareness course on PUWER that has been attended by a number of engineers from a range of Companies, from which feedback has been excellent.
We offer practical support and guidance to companies designing, importing and manufacturing machinery to ensure compliance with applicable ISO standards.
Peak HSE also provided advice where companies wish to upgrade plant and equipment to ensure compliance with a range of associated legislation, e.g.
- Supply of Machinery (Safety) Regulations 2008
- Pressure Systems Safety Regulations 2000
- Dangerous Substances & Explosive Atmospheres Regulations 2002 (DSEAR)
- Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations 2002 (COSHH)