» Back to listing Government’s new help for sickness absence
New Government proposals were published on 17th January, to help businesses manage sickness absence.
Dame Carol Black and David Frost CBE were commissioned in 2011 to take a critical look at sickness absence in Britain. The Department for Work and Pensions published its response to their recommendations.
Among plans outlined by the DWP are:
- A new state-funded Independent Assessment Service to give employers, employees and GPs access to expert advice on vocational rehabilitation and return-to-work issues
- Retention of tax relief on employee assistance programmes, which offer advice and counselling on a variety of issues causing absence, such as debt, workplace conflict and stress
- The introduction of tax relief on certain interventions e.g. physiotherapy for non-work injuries
The Life Savings campaign promotes the economic benefits of workplace health and wellbeing initiatives, providing free tools and studies.
Further information: http://www.dwp.gov.uk/newsroom/press-releases/2013/jan-2013/dwp006-13.shtml