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6th August 2013

ISO 14001:2004 is being revised. The International Organisation for Standardisation (ISO) working group responsible for revising the text has produced a “Committee Draft” which is being circulated for comment to its member bodies.

When published, ISO 14001:2015 will have a new structure and “common text”, following ISO rules for all management systems standards.

This is a fundamental revision of the standard, with far greater implications for organisations than the previous revision in 2004. The seven major changes proposed in the current draft are: 

1. Greater expectation for top management to understand the organisation’s environmental issues, support the EMS and champion improved performance;

2. Broader strategic consideration of the organisation’s environmental context, including the interests of stakeholders and the direction of the business;

3. Making specific commitments to sustainable development and social responsibility;

4. Extending environmental influence into the supply chain, with implications for procurement;

5. Embracing opportunities for using environmental design as a tool for improvement;

6. Being able to demonstrate an understanding of the organisation’s environmental compliance status at all times; and

7. Using performance indicators to track improvement.

 This will mean changes to the new standard, including new clauses on:


• Understanding the organisation and its context;

• Understanding the needs and expectations of interested parties;

• External communication and reporting;

• Value chain planning and control; and

• Continual improvement.


For further information please contact Dan Wellington on 07702 262072 ; e-mail:  . We offer a full support service in terms of attaining and maintaining ISO 14001.

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