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20th August 2014

The outcome of the public consultation on the proposals to revise the Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2007 (CDM 2007), has been considered by the HSE board. The revisions to CDM 2007 were prompted by research showing the regulations had little influence on communications between dutyholders on small construction projects.

One of the cases made was to develop a new, shorter signposting ACoP, which will be complemented by HSE and joint-industry guidance. As expected, the consultation has created much debate within the industry, a factor which HSE acknowledges within the ‘next steps' section of the document.

Most major changes to the regulations proposed in the consultation draft will go ahead. These include replacing the CDM coordinator, responsible for embedding safety throughout the lifecycle of a project, with a new principal designer role, and extension of CDM duties to clients on domestic projects. The threshold at which dutyholders must notify the HSE of a construction project will change from 30 working days to 30 working days and more than 20 workers on site simultaneously. This last revision is predicted to cut the number of notifiable projects by 60,000 a year.

The board also agreed to extend the transitional arrangements for the introduction of the new regulations, expected to come into force in April 2015. HSE’s chief inspector of construction Heather Bryant described the extended transition as “a period of grace” so designers, clients and contractors would not have to change arrangements mid-project.

We are running a one day course on CDM on 24th September in Sheffield. For further information please contact:

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