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20th October 2014

The Energy Saving Opportunity Scheme (ESOS) was launched for consultation by the Department of Energy and Climate Change (DECC) in July 2013.  The scheme implements the requirements of Section 8 of the Energy Efficiency Directive.  The requirements of the scheme are for non-SMEs i.e. businesses with more than 250 employees; and annual turnover over £42.5 million and a balance sheet exceeding £32.5 million; or part of a corporate group containing a large enterprise.   These non-SMEs are obliged to conduct energy efficiency comprehensive audits of all their energy usage, including transport, every four years.

There are a number of different ways in which businesses can comply:

                - ESOS energy audits;

                - ISO 50001 certification;

                - Display Energy Certificates (DECs)

                - Green Deal Assessments.

You will need to check and ensure that all your areas of significant energy consumption are covered by an ESOS energy audit or one of the alternative routes to compliance.

ESOS audits must be carried out by, or overseen/approved by, qualified lead auditors (members of professional registers which are approved by the Environment Agency). These can be either in-house expert(s) or an external party. You will need to advise your lead auditor of your areas significant energy consumption that require auditing.

The scheme will run as four phases and your audits can take place any time during these four years – i.e you can space them out.  Audits that have already been conducted since Dec 2011 will count towards compliance.  The 1st compliance phase will therefore run from 6th December 2011 – 5th December 2015 (qualification date is 31st December 2014 and compliance date 5th December 2015).

For further information or to discuss how Peak HSE Ltd can hep you please contact Dan Wellington  Tel: 07702262072

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