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» Back to listing CDM - 2015 due to come into force on on 6 April

20th February 2015

Subject to Parliamentary approval, new Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2015 (CDM 2015) will come into force on 6 April 2015.

There are significant changes to the Regulations which will need to be addressed by the various dutyholders. The scope of the Regulations remains broad and will encompass many projects within manufacturing companies.

The main changes from CDM 2007 are:

Client - The new Regulations recognise the influence and importance of the client as the head of the supply chain and they are best placed to set standards throughout a project.

Principal Designer - The replacement of the CDM co-ordinator role (under CDM 2007) by principal designer.

Competence - This will be split into its component parts of skills, knowledge, training, experience, and organisational capability - it will be up to companies to both assess and demonstrate that construction project teams have the right attributes to deliver a healthy and safe project.

Approved Code of Practice - will be withdrawn, to be replaced by a range of guidance.

Peak HSE Ltd are running a one day course on the new Regulations on16th April 2015. This will cover the overall structure of the Regulations and the key duties imposed.

We also offer half/ one-day in-house courses/ workshops in order to help companies understand their responsibilities and to plan for the changes. For further information please contact John Herbert at or 0114 272 0335.

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