» Back to listing NEBOSH Environmental Awareness at Work Qualification launch
The NEBOSH Environmental Awareness at Work Qualification, was formally launched at the Safety Health Expo event in London this June.
The new qualification is a one day multiple choice assessed programme, which aims to raise awareness of environmental impacts and the risk control measures available. Peak HSE Ltd were involved in the pilot courses. Nearly 900 people took the qualification during its pilot phase and over 94% of those surveyed said they would recommend it.
Its popularity may be due to the fact that:
• It is suitable for all industry sectors;
• It supports Environmental Management Systems such as ISO14001;
• Employees at all levels can take the qualification.
The qualification is a great addition to our environmental portfolio, which also includes the NEBOSH Certificate in Environmental Management
Speaking at the launch, NEBOSH Chief Executive Teresa Budworth said: “This qualification is for anybody who needs a basic understanding of environmental issues in the workplace, particularly where employers are introducing the ISO 14001 environmental management standard.”.