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The eagerly awaited revision of ISO 14001:2015 has been published by the International Organization for Standardisation.
ISO 14001:2015, which sets out the requirements for an environmental management standard, is one of the world’s most widely used standards and a key business tool for many organisations. With more than 300 000 certificates currently issued around the world, it ranks high on the agenda of many organisations worldwide who place importance on their environmental impact.
A newly revised version has just been published, to ensure it remains relevant to the marketplace. ISO 14001:2015 responds to the latest trends, such as an increasing recognition by companies of the need to factor in both external and internal elements that influence their impact, including climate volatility.
Other key improvements in the new version include:
• A greater commitment from leadership
• An increased alignment with strategic direction
• Greater protection for the environment, with a focus on proactive initiatives
• More effective communication, driven through a communications strategy
• Life-cycle thinking, considering each stage of a product or service, from development to end-of-life
The standard has received widespread recognition and support from business – in a recent survey conducted by IEMA over 40% of businesses said the revised standard will bring greater buy in from senior management. Around 40% of businesses saved at least £10,000 per annum with some businesses saving over £5 million per annum as a result of using ISO 14001. The majority of these savings were delivered through energy efficiency measures (71% of those surveyed) and improved waste management (64% of those surveyed). Wider benefits include improved environmental performance (38%), meeting legislative requirements (39%), enhancing stakeholder relations, and generating new business opportunities (22%).
For further information or assistance please contact Dan Wellington dan.wellington@peakhse.co.uk; Tel 07702262072