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» Back to listing Electromagnetic fields (EMFs) in the workplace requirements come into force in July 2016

14th April 2016

A new EU directive on electromagnetic fields (EMFs) in the workplace comes into force in July 2016.

The EU has been trying for many years to bring in legislation to protect workers from the effects of electromagnetic fields (EMFs), and after several delays and false starts this is now finally happening. Directive 2013/35/EU, which comes into force in July 2016, will for the first time lay down mandatory limits on exposure to EMFs in the workplace.

Employers will be obliged to carry out an EMF risk assessment. Any organisation using equipment that operates at high voltage or high current levels is likely to be covered. In the industrial sector, this primarily means welding and non-destructive testing processes, as well as induction and dielectric heating equipment. Other directly affected sectors include the electricity-supply industry, railways, broadcasting, telecommunications and healthcare (although MRI scanners are specifically exempted).

To assist employers with the EMF risk assessment process and implementation of the directive, a non-binding Practical Guide will be available. This publication will help the majority of employers to comply.

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