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» Back to listing HSE launches guidelines on how employers can help staff succeed at work

30th November 2022

The Health and Safety Executive (HSE), Great Britain’s workplace regulator, has issued guidelines that state what employers can do to support staff with disabilities and those with long-term health conditions to help them succeed in the workplace.

The new guidance was launched on 15th November and Sarah Albon, Chief Executive of HSE, said: “The aim of this guidance is to provide clarity to employers about what they should be doing to support their staff. This can be a sensitive, complex area so we want to give employers confidence to act.

“We have to make the workplace better for disabled people and those with long-term health conditions. Not only is that the right thing to do but doing so will also bring big economic benefits at a time when we have high employment and firms are struggling to find staff.”

The central part of the guidance outlines steps employers should take to support disabled workers and those with long-term health.

Further information can be found here - Overview - Support disabled workers and workers with long-term health conditions - HSE

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