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Peak HSE’s Senior Environmental Consultant, Petra Stapp, works with clients on assessing environmental legal compliance with all aspects of the business. Energy reporting is now a priority for many businesses and so we are drawing your attention to the following update on ESOS and what you should now be doing.
The Energy Savings Opportunity Scheme (ESOS) Regulations requires all large undertakings to audit their energy use in four yearly cycles but the scheme has been updated recently in order to drive action on the findings of the audits.
The regulations now include a requirement for an action plan, complete with progression dates, to be produced and provide a written record to include the following:
- Energy efficiency
- Recommendations
- Dates for implementation
- Energy savings achieved
- Methodology
- And, if no improvements are possible then a statement to that effect is also required.
Organisations that rely on ISO50001 as evidence of their energy management must also now carry out further mandatory obligations for compliance with the ESOS regulations. These include reporting on the following:
- Energy consumption and intensity ratios
- Written reports on energy savings
- Clarification on estimates used
- Board level directorial review of ISO 5001 findings and compliance
- Submission of compliance notification to the Environment Agency
- An action plan and progression dates
- The collation of an evidence pack.
This is just an overview of some of the amendments to the ESOS Regulations that have been made. Full guidance is available at Comply with the Energy Savings Opportunity Scheme (ESOS): phase 3 - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk).