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» Back to listing 5 Key Points to Managing your Contractors

22nd April 2024

No matter the size of a business, big or small, it is inevitable at some point that you will need to engage contractors to undertake work that your organisation cannot complete internally due to either having the competencies but not the capacity or simply not having the internal competencies required.

Despite engaging someone to undertake the work that does not absolve you from your health and safety legal obligations.

This should be ensured by:

1.       Contractor vetting prior to engagement

2.       Collation of key documents.  Have you got:

       a. Insurance details?

b. References from previous work?

c. Sample risk assessments and method statements?

d. Training and competency records?

3.       Communicating key information.  Prior to work commencing and contractor arriving on site make sure they have the required guidance, e.g. site inductions and emergency arrangements

4.       Providing adequate support and supervision whilst onsite

a. Pre-work briefings

b. Permit to work systems

c. Toolbox talks

5.       Providing feedback on performance once the work has been completed

Peak HSE has been working recently with a number of clients making sure their contractor management systems and training are up to date and compliant.  For further information please contact 

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