» Back to listing HSE Business Plan 2012-15
23rd July 2012
The HSE has launched it's Business Plan for 2012-15, which sets out the range of activities HSE will undertake over the next three years. The plan is a mix of continuing "business as usual" activities in many frontline areas whilst also delivering significant reform.
HSE intend to have:
- reduced and simplified the stock of regulation without reducing levels of protection
- made it easier for people to understand what is required, leading to increased levels of compliance;
- devoted a greater proportion of effort where risks are highest and where they can have greatest impact;
- continued to hold to account those who expose their employees and others to unnecessary risk; and
- drawn a clearer distinction between real health and safety and the bureaucratic over interpretation which gets in the way.
It is intended that this should lead to better leadership and implementation by employers and even greater engagement of employees.