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» Back to listing NEBOSH Environmental Awareness at Work (EAW) qualification

27th May 2014

A brand new qualification from NEBOSH is already proving to be an excellent way for companies to improve employee awareness of environmental impacts and risk controls.

The NEBOSH Environmental Awareness at Work qualification is suitable for all industry sectors and has been specifically designed to improve environmental awareness among the general workforce.

We have found that employers are finding the introductory level qualification useful in supporting their Environmental Management Systems (EMS), such as ISO 14001.

Recently, wire products manufacturer Betafence was one of the first to put a number of its workforce through a course leading to the NEBOSH Environmental Awareness at Work qualification. At its plant in Sheffield, Betafence has already developed an effective Environmental Management System, which includes ISO 14001 Certification. Betafence recognises that people are hugely important when it comes to delivering continuous environmental improvement.

The one-day pilot qualification is assessed through multiple-choice and provides a progression route on to the more established NEBOSH Certificate and Diploma level environmental management qualifications.

For more information on the NEBOSH Environmental Awareness at Work (EAW) qualification please contact

IOSH Accreditation OSHCR Accreditation NEBOSH Accreditation
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