Latest News in Health, Safety & the Environment
Some of the latest stories related to Health, Safety & Environment:
Proposed Classification, Labelling and Packaging Regulation (CLP) alignment
25th June 2014HSE have proposed to align domestic legislation with the EU direct acting Classification, Labelling and Packaging Regulation (CLP). Consultative Document CD269 seeks views on these proposals.
CLP, which implements in the EU the United Nations Globally Harmonised System (GHS) on the classification and labelling of chemicals, comes fully into force in June 2015. An amending directive with a transposition...
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NEBOSH Environmental Awareness at Work (EAW) qualification
27th May 2014A brand new qualification from NEBOSH is already proving to be an excellent way for companies to improve employee awareness of environmental impacts and risk controls.
The NEBOSH Environmental Awareness at Work qualification is suitable for all industry sectors and has been specifically designed to improve environmental awareness among the general workforce.
We have found that employers are finding...
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ISO 14001 Revision
19th May 2014The draft new 14001 standard should be available around September 2014. There will be an opportunity to comment on and help shape the standard. The final revised standard should be available mid 2015.
Over 250,000 organisations are certified to ISO 14001 and while it continues to be as relevant as ever, the revision will take into consideration a number of issues to ensure organisations are able...
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NEBOSH National General Certificate - June/ July 2014
16th April 2014We have a NEBOSH National General Certificate course running 2 days a week in June/ July 2014 - places available!
The NEBOSH National General Certificate provides an excellent foundation in occupational safety and health for all types of organisations. It helps its holders manage risk effectively by covering a broad range of topics, and is ideal for:
Managers, supervisors, employee representatives.
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IOSH Safety for Senior Executives Course - 30th April 2014
16th April 2014 We have a forthcoming 1 day IOSH Safety for Senior Executives Course on 30th April 2014
The course aims to provide Senior Executives of organisations with an understanding of their health and safety role and how this should influence their strategic thinking and holistic risk management systems/procedures. The course covers:
Overview & update on Health & Safety
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HSE announces CDM Regulations consultation
11th April 2014The Health and Safety Executive has opened a 10 week consultation on proposals to replace the Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2007 (CDM 2007).
Key changes being proposed include:
Replacement of the CDM co-ordinator role with a principal designer role within the project team
Introducing a duty on information, instruction, training and supervision to replace the duty to assess competence
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